Workshop with Luc Verbitzky of the Ballet de Lorraine National Choreographic Center

Workshop with Luc Verbitzky of the Ballet de Lorraine National Choreographic Center

Saturday 12 December, 2-5pm

at the CCNO

20€ / or 15 € with membership cards for the Scène Nationale or CCN¹
Registration in advance required.
Minimum age 14


Travel through time discovering experientially how choreographers such as Thomas Hauert, Rachid Ouramdame, and Miguel Gutierrez approach the concepts of the GROUP and the INDIVIDUAL in their choreography.
You will also explore Maud Le Pladec’s most recent piece, Static shot, created for the CCN – Ballet de Lorraine.

“Others will always be there for you and you for them.”
“Everyone is boss and no one is.”
“On stage we are alone together!”

Come explore and connect through dance!

Luc Verbitzky
After a Dance-Studies program, Luc entered the National Conservatory of Paris, graduating in 2014. The same year he landed a contract at the CCN-Ballet de Lorraine, interpreting pieces by Merce Cunningham, William Forsythe, Twyla Tharp, and Trisha Brown from the contemporary repertory, and premiering roles for choreographies by Itamar Shahar Serussi, Cindy Van Acker, Alban Richard, Marie Chouinard, Maud Le Pladec, and Miguel Gutierrez. In 2018, he obtained the French Dance Teacher Diploma and explored the SAFE® FLOOR technique with its founder, Alexandre Munz.

Sunday 31 December 2020, 8:30pm
and Monday 1 January 2021, 5pm
at the Théâtre d’Orléans

Performance: Maud Le Pladec’s Static shot, and Merce Cunningham’s Sounddance, by the CCN — Ballet de Lorraine