Spongebabe in L.A. (4 love & anxiety)

Mercedes Dassy

Sponge is a self-portrait combining fiction and reality in the chimerical form of a concert, a dance performance, and a peek behind-the-scenes. During rehearsals for a concert that alternates between songs, intimate or political statements to the audience and choreographic interludes, a singer tells a fictional story that addresses the theme of mutation, those moments in life when we have no other choice but to metamorphose.

Public presentation

Friday 21 June, 7pm

at CCN¹

— Free with reservation

Concept, chorégraphie, écriture et interprétation Mercedes Dassy ∎ Dramaturgie Hannah El Fakir ∎ Production musicale et création sonore Maxime Pichon ∎ Costumes, accessoires et scénographie Flavie Torsiello ∎ Création lumière Vera Martins ∎ Regards extérieurs Sabine Cmelniski, Svétäl-Anand Chassol, Alphone Eklou ∎ Assistanat chorégraphique Fanny Brulé Kopp ∎ DJ set de recherche Yasmina Tayoub ∎ Stagiaires Morgane Brien-Hamdane, Géraldine Tatard, Angelica Ardiot ∎ Production et diffusion ama brussels - Babacar Ba, France Morin, Clara Schmitt
Mercedes Dassy
is a performer and choreographer active in the fields of dance, theatre, performance, and video. In 2009, she entered the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (SEAD), and then joined a Summer Program in Tisch School of Art/Dance Department – New York University. Returning to Brussels in 2012, she performed with Voetvolk/Lisbeth Gruwez (AH/HA), Compagnie3637 (Eldorado, L’Enfant qui), Matej Kejzar (raive), Cie PHOS/PHOR (La compatibilité du caméléon), Lucile Charnier (L’Appel du Mutant), Valéry Carnoy (Projet Genêts), MUGWUMP, Justine Denos (APOIL), Notch company/Oriane Varak (As a Mother of Fact) and with Leslie Mannès/Thomas Thurine/Vincent Lemaître (FORCES).
Since 2015, Mercedes Dassy has been creating her own work, starting with PAUSE, then i-clit (2018), followed by TWYXX in collaboration with the actor Tom Adjibi (2019), B4 summer (2020), Deepstaria bienvenue, a solo for the dancer Maeva Lassère commissioned by the Lyon Opera (2020), and Pamela Chapitre 6765, a performance for the 2020 edition of the Actoral festival in Marseille. In July 2018, Mercedes Dassy was awarded the Jo Dekmine prize for promising creations and artists by the Théâtre des Doms (Avignon). In 2022, she moved away from the solo to create RUUPTUUR, an opus for four dancers telling the story of collective power. Mercedes Dassy is currently starting a new cycle of research focusing on the voice and writing, and she will be, among other things, an associate artist at Charleroi danse as from the 2023-24 season.


  • Public presentation

    friday 21 june 2024

    Spongebabe in L.A. (4 love & anxiety) by Mercedes Dassy