
Clara Furey

In a garden of resonance, bodies vibrate to the rhythm of light and sound waves. Unsettling sculptures that awaken compelling desires. With Unarmoured, they claim the right to eroticism on their own terms. Through physical research into water, Clara Furey brings the immensity of an inner sea to the stage floor, bringing together and reconciling what had previously been separated. Unarmoured emerges from a fluid, carnal chaos whose crashing waves suggest infinity as a transformative emotion. Here, membranes stretch and boundaries blur: bodies no longer need to be seen for their contours, but for the energy that overflows from them. The pleasures are plural, and it's with the strength of the earth that they flow through us and keep us grounded, because we have to hold on to build together. Unarmoured, that's how we manage to bind ourselves to the world, through the power of our vulnerability.

Public presentation

Friday 26 April, 7pm

at CCN¹

— Free with reservation

Conception direction artistique Clara Furey ∎ Chorégraphie Clara Furey en collaboration avec les performeur•ses Justin De Luna, Clara Furey, Be Heintzman Hope, Brian Mendez ∎ Composition musicale et spatialisation Tomas Furey ∎ Témoin artistique Bettina Blanc Penther, Aïsha Sasha John ∎ Répétiteur•rices Lucie Vigneault, Simon Portigal ∎ Conception costumes Be Heintzman Hope ∎ Conception lumière Paul Chambers ∎ Assistance à la conception lumière Jordana Natale ∎ Direction technique Jenny Huot, Darah Miah ∎ Diffusion A Propic | Line Rousseau, Marion Gauvent, Lara van Lookeren ∎ Production Bent Hollow Cie ∎ Production déléguée Parbleux
Clara Furey
trained in music at the Conservatoire de Paris, she began her career as a songwriter and composer. She then continued her training at the École de danse contemporaine de Montréal, performing for choreographers such as George Stamos, Damien Jalet and Benoît Lachambre. An artist accustomed to collaborations, Clara Furey signed her first solo artistic direction in 2017 with Cosmic Love, a group piece with minimal movement that explores the voids and the invisible part in the interaction of body, song and space. In 2017, she performed When Even The alongside a sculpture by Marc Quinn as part of the Leonard Cohen exhibition at the Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal. In 2019, she created Rather a Ditch, a solo written for Céline Bonnier, about the porosity of bodies in response to Steve Reich's album Different Trains. Her work has toured in numerous festivals, including the Venice Biennale, Les Rencontres Chorégraphiques and June Events in Paris and in countries including Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Azerbaijan and Bulgaria. With Dog Rising, Clara Furey brings her research into tension and immobility to a close, releasing the energy contained in a performance based on persistence, groove and pleasure. She insists on the infinite repetition of loops through an extreme physical journey, a spellbinding, haunting, penetrating spiral.


  • Publi presentation

    friday 26 april 2024

    Unarmoured de Clara Furey